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Annual subscription fee: AUD $350 (incl. GST) non-refundable
Available to Doctors registered in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, from and including internship (currently a Medical Registration Number is needed).
Please wait 24 hours after subscribing to access eLearning courses.
As a subscriber of JDocs you have access to:
Self-assess progress against the learning outcomes of the Framework and check your progress against each of the surgical ten core competencies
Selected Online Library resources
Online surgical skills logbook tool - MALT
Key clinical tasks
Record evidence of your clinical experience, achievements and assessments (e.g. certificates, end-of-term report, Mini-CEX, DOPS, key clinical tasks)
Extract a report of assessments, experiences and achievements that can support application to advanced/procedural specialty training
RACGP Trainees subscribing to JDocs to complete eLearning courses as part of your alternative training model at the RACGP.
Satisfactory completion of the relevant online learning modules common to both medicine and surgery and submit evidence to the RACGP 2 weeks prior to commencement of GPT1.
- Human Factors: Patient-centred communication
- Managing the sick patient
- Interaction with critical care
- Managing perioperative risk
- Introduction to communicating in teams
- Introduction to Operating with Respect
Cardiothoracic SET Eligibility Requirements
Mandatory Courses - A minimum of two (2) RACS eLearning modules (with a minimum of one (1) module relating to cultural competency.) [JDocs can access eligible eLearning modules]
CV points for Selection into Vascular SET
- Participation in the JDocs framework for at least 12 months demonstrated by the submission of the JDocs professional profile which confirms completion of all key clinical tasks is scored 1 point (max 1 point).
- Aotearoa New Zealand applicants may submit JDocs registration and completion of all key clinical tasks in ePortfolio. JDOCs registration subject to confirmation by RACS and must be accompanied by portfolio summary check list of all clinical tasks provided in the JDOCs/ePORT website.
- Applicants score 1 point for completion of JDocs Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety Courses 1-3. Applicants must supply certificates of completion for all courses.