Scholarship and teaching

Other Core Competencies:

To demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning, and the creation, dissemination, application and translation of medical knowledge by:

  • showing commitment to lifelong learning
  • teaching, supervision and assessment
  • improving surgical practice.

Select the PGY (1–3) tabs below to view the progression of the expected skills, knowledge and behaviours across the early postgraduate years

What are key clinical tasks?

The related key clinical tasks (KCT) have been designed to help you apply the Framework to your job.  You can use these to obtain feedback on, and/or assessment of, your level of performance.

Select the check box next to a KCT for guidance on developing your scholarship and teaching skills and knowledge for this task

Select the KCT title to see the complete task, related competencies and downloadable assessment form


Teaching is based on adult learning principles


Plan educational activities to address the needs of all learners


Assist with training of medical students in clinical examination and simple skills


Evaluate and learn from feedback regarding own teaching


Apply confidentiality codes relating to the educational environment


Determine each patient’s level of health literacy and use available resources to deliver health education


Attend unit or morbidity/mortality meetings. Identify any personal knowledge, skills or behaviour changes required


Participate in departmental or other continuing education opportunities, e.g. journal club


Seek opportunities for feedback to reflect on and learn from clinical practice


Participate in research, quality improvement and clinical audit activities where possible

  • Participate in research
  • Undertake literature searches relevant to the clinical care of patients, including use of PubMed, Medline and Cochrane reviews
  • Apply critical appraisal skills when reading medical literature
  • Compare outcomes of published research studies relating to clinical care within the unit

Reflect on own skills and personal attributes when investigating a range of career options


Reflect on and learn from own observations of clinical practice


Develop a curriculum suitable for teaching medical students over one term


Use varied approaches to teaching small and large groups; apply different learning styles and different technologies to teaching/learning activities


Lead the training of junior doctors in clinical examination and teaching of simple skills using a teaching plan


Provide constructive, timely and specific feedback to interns based on observation of a junior’s performance, encouraging them to reflect on their own learning


Use a range of strategies aimed at improving patient education


Assist with a research trial being undertaken in the organisation that may lead to presentation or publication

  • Frame a clinical question
  • Analyse and present outcome of literature search to colleagues, both oral and written form
  • Apply appropriate statistical methods to answer a clinical question

Contribute to unit morbidity/mortality meetings


Use the Plan, Do, Study, Act audit cycle, and take an audit through the first steps


Use current evidence-based resources in own learning, in communicating with patients and in making decisions about the care of patients


Use a range of resources in educational planning

  • Portfolio analysis
  • Incorporate teaching into clinical work
  • Undertake induction of medical students, peers and juniors
  • Identify issues of stress relating to educational activities and promote strategies for positive change

Educate other team members about procedures/medications used within the clinical unit


Identify areas of improvement in teaching/ learning activities and work with Unit Head/ Director of Surgery to implement change


Use multi-disciplinary team meetings as teaching and educational opportunities


Provide effective supervision using recognised techniques and skills (availability, orientation, learning opportunities, role modelling, delegation)


Adapt level of supervision to learner’s competence and confidence


Conduct assessments of (e.g. mini-CEX, 360° assessment), and observe, juniors; discuss and escalate performance issues where appropriate


Chair/facilitate morbidity/mortality meetings, and identify desirable changes to processes and systems of care


Identify personal learning objectives using a learning plan


Involvement with a research trial, research based on multi-disciplinary care, or quality improvement activities being undertaken in the organisation

  • Write an abstract for submission to an appropriate health/clinical meeting
  • Write a scientific paper
  • Present a research paper at a conference
  • Interpret confidence intervals, levels of significance (p values), and study power when reviewing results of clinical trials

Support audit by junior medical trainees and within the multi-disciplinary team

  • Apply evidence to a specific clinical situation and describe how findings influence practice
  • Use audit findings to develop and implement change

Enrol in a post-graduate course related to clinical career pathway (or more broadly, such as education)


Research years (pre- or post-acceptance into specialty training program)


Assist with curriculum development, e.g. online resources for a university medical school